First Mark Credit Union Routing Number
First Mark Credit Union Customer Service: (210) 442-0100
First Mark Credit Union Routing Number:Â 314088556
First Mark Credit Union Routing Number FAQ:
What is this routing number for?Â
Routing numbers are used for making automatic deposits or making wire transfers. They operate like an address for a bank, and when paired with your account number will allow money to get to or from your bank account quickly, securely and accurately.
Who needs the First Mark Credit Union Routing number?
Anyone who banks at First Mark Credit Union might need to find the routing number. It can be found on the checks, and sometimes the bank or credit union has it on their website. Some banks and credit unions make it difficult to find, so we’re here to make it fast and easy.
How long does a wire transfer take from First Mark Credit Union?
Most wire transfers are completed in 24 hours or less. Make sure you get your wire transfer submitted before the cut-off time in order to have the wire completed the same day. That’s usually 3pm EST for smaller banks, and 5pm EST for larger banks. Use the customer service phone number above to find out the exact time for a wire transfer.
What information do I need for a wire transfer from First Mark Credit Union?
In order to wire money to or from a bank or credit union, you’ll need the following information:
- Recipient full name and address
- Recipient bank name, address, and telephone number
- Recipient bank account number and account type (ie. checking or savings)
- Recipient bank ABA routing number (domestic transfers only) OR the Recipient bank IBAN and BIC/SWIFT codes (international transfers only)
How can I initiate a wire transfer from First Mark Credit Union?
You should call the customer service phone number above to initiate a wire transfer. You need the recipient information and routing number before you can make the wire transfer.
Can someone steal my money using a routing number?
No, routing numbers are used for incoming transfers only, and cannot be used to extract money from your bank account. Never give your account information out though, as your account number can be used maliciously.